Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rooster Obituary

Barred Rock Rooster known as Hans dies at 7 months

Hans, 7 months, died Wednesday, September 23rd, at his home of unnatural causes. Cause of death, a broken neck.

No services were held, but a sigh of relief was heard by the Bailey children.

Hans was born last spring, at Lattins Cider Mill in Olympia, WA. He never married, but did have 3 friends, Helga, Harriet and Hazel.

He moved to the Bailey’s home in June 2009. He was a member of the Rooster wresting club and liked to practice his moves on Helga, Harriet and Hazel.

The hens wrote: "Hans loved looking at himself in anything shiny. He really did think he was all that and a bag of chips. We did feel protected by him, but in unity, disagreed with his decision to become aggressive towards the children. We only hope they (the kids) can learn to trust chickens again. We are sad to see him go but also relieved that we can now do as we please and have choice picks of the grub."

The Bailey's only comment, "We are out of the rooster business."

Hans is survived by relatives unknown to us.

Cleaning my Home

I am working towards a clean house today. This seems to be a constant thing to do on my list. Clean the house!

Back in August when I was in MN, I stayed with my sister and learned something shocking.(Which may be a duh to anyone else, but wasn't to me). She cleans regardless of if something is dirty. The floor appears clean, but she washes it anyway. The wood gets dusted even though I don't see any bunny hop going on. At first glance you may think that's crazy, like I did. But I think she's on to something. What I see happen is that her house is ALWAYS clean. (She would argue otherwise I'm certain, but I would counter reply she doesn't know messy until she's been to my house.) I on the other hand wait until something NEEDS to be cleaned, but with a full life rarely do I happen to have the time to tend to the need that exact moment. The result? Laundry explosion, an absence of utensils bowls, plates..., toothpaste party on counters, mirrors, dust bunnies throwing a rave. So, I am trying to get this place in shape today and then will try this new approach. Clean on a certain day, maybe a certain zone each day (Bathroom Day, Laundry Room...), regardless of if it actually needs it. I'll report back.

I am interested in knowing your thoughts. How do you keep a clean house? Please share your tips!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What can happen in 9 years?? A lot!

1. 1 apartment
2. 3 houses
3. 3 kids
4. 1 mini van
5. 1station wagon
6. A husband who accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior
7. 2 full time jobs
8. Graduate school
9. Adjusting to 1 income
10. Homeschooling
11. Being small group leaders at our church
12. Seeking HIS best for our life instead of our own
13. 4 Chickens!!
14. Attending marriage retreats because we want to!
And that's just the stem of the pumpkin! I can't wait to see what the next 9 years will bring. I love you honey.

9 Years Ago

9 years ago today we were wed. Just before pictures, Ted and I had some private time in the sanctuary, his first chance to see his bride. I was nervous! What I loved most about that moment was the card he gave me. It was identical to the card I had for him. No kidding. The other stand out things to me were the bell choir that chimed all at once during our 'you may kiss the bride' moment and the sparklers the guests lit versus throwing rice or the like. I've always loved sparklers. I love you Ted and I am delighted that YOU are my husband.
Come live with me and be my love and we will some new pleasures prove...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Dad, it's mud puddle time!" said Will.

I love my Will. If there is a puddle in a 2 mile radius, he will find it. We've given up trying to keep him from puddles. Given up meaning it has lost its shock value on us. Instead, if circumstances allow, we encourage him on such occasions to just go for it. Although we've been doing this a bit now, he's still surprised by the thumbs up to dirty up. To play like a kid, don't you just want to join in? I do! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Miraculous Adventure with Iris

Yesterday morning, Natalie discovered a caterpillar and asked to keep it. I agreed she could for the day, knowing if I agreed to anything else our condo room would be an insect zoo in no time. She carefully prepared a cleaned out spaghetti jar and filled it with leaves and a little water. Together we placed saran wrap on the lid, fastened with a rubber band, and poked out some holes for oxygen. Then, we went out for the day and Iris stayed behind. Natalie was anxious to return. When we did, Iris was laying in water at the bottom and sadly, she was dead. (In hind site, I should've checked the misting of water in the jar...) Nat was heartbroken! She held Iris and cried. I suggested she put her outside. Nat and I sat together and talked about accidents which is what this was. Natalie prayed that she would be ok and kept running out and checking on her. It broke my heart! At one point she went to the bathroom and I decided to go out and chuck Iris over the garden hedge so Nat would be comforted and think the caterpillar had walked off. I went out and honestly her head moved just a little. I decided to leave it alone and go back inside. (I was shocked!) About 10 minutes later Natalie came back in beaming and declaring a miracle. The caterpillar was now alive and although moving slowly, was headed for the garden. She boasted from our room what Jesus had done and her joy and awe was infectious.

At dinner, the little thought slowly seeped in, "I guess it wasn't dead after all." I immediately cast it out and declared the miracle that had occurred. Trust me, this little caterpillar was DEAD and the prayers of Nat rose it again. This may sound crazy, but our family witnessed it. This is a picture of the God who created us and that we love and serve. He cares for Natalie so much that he "fixed" her caterpillar, Miss Iris. In a way she can understand, God displayed himself as Mighty to her! Oh, how great is our God!

*The photo is one Nat drew while she waited to see what would happen to Iris. It is a picture showing where she found her.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I choose to relax....

It's our first full day of vacation and I have to keep telling myself, "I choose to relax." When did I wind up so tightly? We went for a beach walk and inside my head I said, "Ok, what's next?" Then we played at a park and an internal timer went off and said "Time to go.". We headed to an adorable little shopping area with live grass and goats on the roof and again the timer went off, but this time it was, "Time for fudge.". Tomorrow I WILL focus on really enjoying the moment and not on what is next. Ever live life like that? When that becomes my focus, man do I miss out on the details that make it all so beautiful.
*This photo was taken the next day, after some serious unwinding. :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bucket List

Do you have a bucket list? (Things you'd like to do before you leave earth) I began creating one last year and I find it quite fun to add to. One of the things on there is to own a moped and use it. However, Ted my transportation engineer companion on earth, says "NO WAY!". This is quite the dilemma so until I figure that one out, it remains on my list. Along with seeing a blue whale and taking a vacation on a sail boat. *If you do not have a list like this, I strongly suggest starting one. It's a good thing. :)

Dating Anniversary

Today is our dating anniversary! Pathetic that I know this? Well, maybe, but here was the scenario. Ted desperately wanted to date me all freshman year and I just liked him as a friend. Came back to college after summer, sophomore year, and my feelings, surprise to me!, changed the moment I saw him. On Sept. 7th I told my girlfriends I was going to let Ted be my boyfriend. Hee hee (This was of course not how I meant it, but how it came out.) I didn't care for the number 7 so I told them I would wait to tell Ted until the 8th. (I am nuts for 8's and multiples of.) So, the 8th arrived and I nervously asked Ted if he wanted to date me. Although in shock, he said YES! This was in 1995. :) I love you honey and I am glad you let ME be your girlfriend.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Pumpkin Muffins, a fall essential

Another delicious taste of fall that will excite your taste buds.
Pumpkin Muffins
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup solid-pack pumpkin (15 oz)
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pumpkin-pie spice
1 1/4 cups plus 1 Tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
Put oven in middle position and preheat to 350 degrees
Place liners in muffin cups
Whisk together pumpkin, oil, eggs, pumpkin pie spice, 1 1/4 cup sugar, baking soda and salt in a large bowl until smooth. Then, whisk in the flour mixture until just combined.
Stir together cinnamon and remaining 1 Tbsp sugar in another bowl.
Divide batter among muffin cups (3/4 full), then sprinkle tops with cinnamon and sugar mixture.
Bake until puffed and golden brown and wooden toothpick comes out clean. 25 - 30 min.
Cool in pan on a rack for 5 min. then transfer to cooling rack.
These are a family favorite! Enjoy the yummy taste of fall.

Glass Door Knobs.... you are missed!!

Why didn't glass door knobs remain the standard? They are beautiful! I miss the character that lies in older things. As I look at this picture I enjoy that someone created each design and I wonder who made these 'masterpieces'? Efficiency, in every aspect, has left us with much less appealing door knobs today.

Free Range

The chickens are officially free ranging! Free Range is the label that yields about 3 times the amount per carton at the grocery store. Which now that we are doing it, I do wonder why?? The droppings fertilize the lawn and chicken chores just got easier. We let the flock out in the mornings and they go back in relatively smoothly at night. A little corn and they'd follow us to the moon. They LOVE it, in any form. (Cracked corn, corn on the cob, frozen from a bag....)

2 a day!

We are up to 2 eggs per day now and refreshingly, the daily discoveries have not lost any luster. Ted, however, has become an omelet eating machine and has requested I start buying eggs as well. Seems the hens are not able to satisfy his egg appetite. Maybe there will be more hens in our future??

A heart like His

During breakfast, Will was a bit rambunctious. Ted told the kids to wait patiently and he'd make them a blackberry smoothie. They did. All 3 got a cup of yummy smoothie. Will got rowdy again and the cup flew everywhere. The floor, chair, table and Will himself was a mess. The frustration was in Ted's throat when Natalie said, "Daddy, praise Jesus the glass didn't break!" And with that gentle reminder, the frustration disappeared and Ted replied, "That's right Natalie." Natalie teaches us to see the good in all things, even a spilt glass of blackberry smoothie.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our pumpkin

L - Loves
her family, being a part of everything going on, playing hard, caring for her dollies, music, chocolate, swimming after her brother and sister and cuddling.
Y - Yells
with excitement and frustration. You voice glee and concern for all your family to know. You are not quiet, but we love that about you.
D - Delight
what you give to us each and every day.
I - Intelligent
YOU are one smart cookie who will do great things.
A - All Ours!
You beat to your own drum sweetie, but we wouldn't be complete without the beat you bring.