With the decision made, its time to walk out our faith believing that we can raise the $2500 needed to get Ted to Cambodia. One theme on both our hearts has been the issue of work. God has blessed Ted with strength and physical stamina to do manual labor. He loves it! As an engineer at a desk and computer, he welcomes opportunity to use his muscles and get dirty. Yesterday, he had the privilege of helping on a demo job and was blessed with $300. He's working 10 hour days the 4 days this week to get his regular engineering hours in and putting the demo money towards Cambodia. I am so proud of you babe!
Then, tonight at church he was given an envelope with $200 in it. We don't know who gave it, but we are grateful and humbled by this generous gift. I can't wait to see how God provides the remaining $2,000 and then to see how He will use Ted in Cambodia. I know He is faithful to keep His promises and complete a good work and I know my husbands heart to go serve the Cambodian people. Thank you anonymous giver and thank you Lord!
I promise to write on Cambodia soon. It changed my life in many ways. I haven't known where to begin, but I will just choose a starting point and put pencil to paper or fingers to the keypad. :)