Houston... we have chickens! These beautiful ladies were purchased for a mere $8 a bird at Lattins Cider Mill and Farm. They are called barred rock hens and according to farmer Steve, "They are great layers." Boxing them up to bring home was quite the adventure. Fellow chicken owner Apryl and I laughed our faces off at the seemingly "easy" task. Although my mind knew a chicken could not hurt me, my insides said otherwise and I was suddenly terrified to pick up the hens. In the end we survived and the hens did too. *Technically we have 1 rooster, well Apryl does, but seeing as he hasn't cacka doodled yet, I'd say the jury is still out on "his" gender.
Sooo excited for your first omlet! You guys are pretty self sufficient out there between the well, fireplace, chickens, garden...can you do solar/wind power out there ?! :) We can send you some goats for goats milk/cheese!!