It was my Birthday last week and I turned 34. As I get older I say that B-days aren't a big deal, but there's that kid part inside of me that is so excited about the day and in all honestly, there is anticipation for something, surprise I guess. My poor poor husband…. He almost bought me new running shoes. Ha, that’s another story.
My mom, Natalie and I began the day with a pedicure. What a way to start the day! It was Nats first pedicure experience. My mom picked my toe color, purple with sparkles and I picked hers, a vibrant blue. She requested sparkles too and I agreed, having the power and all for what would grace her toes. Natalie picked blue also, but to our surprise in addition she received a design on each toe! She's a customer for life we're sure of it. :) When we left the pedicure establishment, my minivan was FILLED with a rainbow of balloons. SURPRISE! Sitting in the front seat was a diet coke for my mom and I (Ahhhhhh), and yoo-hoo for Natalie. Along with a big bag of chocolate chocolate chip cookies from the Safeway bakery. Yummy yummy for tummy town. It was awesome and the day had just begun. *As a side note, later that day, I thought for certain someone had sharpened all the rocks around our house. As it turns out my newly tender, callous free feet were WIMPS.
Ted took a half day from work which was so sweet. We went swimming in Deep Lake in the afternoon. My mom just jumped right in and I was a wimp, maybe it had to do with my new wimpy feet??..... Anyway, it took me a while to submerge in the water. Although I knew I was prolonging the inevitable, I tortured myself going a few inches at a time. I am going to run full speed in on our next lake visit and that’s a promise. Finally, completely drenched, we swam way out with our 'fun island' and Ted and I raced to the end of the swimming area. I won the race. Ok here's what happened.... I did yank his trunks down a couple times and he said it was my birthday so there you go, Bailey swim champ for the day Robin by default. I'll take it! His arms are so STRONG! As a side note, if it were a kick only race I'd lap him. Truly, he is a horrible kicker and will admit to such, you can ask him.
After swimming, my mom, myself and the kids went back to the house while the guys went to get one of my favorite meals from Lemon Grass. 2 1/2 star green curry with chicken, without mushrooms or eggplant but substitute broccoli. :) Once they returned, we ate, had cake and opened presents. FUN!
I thought the night was over and was outside playing with the kids. Ted called me in and told me to shut the door. When I did and turned 3 grown, I thought civilized; adults sprayed a bottle each of silly string on me. I was so shocked I stood there and took it and we all laughed hysterically. It was FUN and such an awesome birthday as I love to laugh and I love surprise.
I also want to mention how blessed I was by all the cards, voicemails, calls and facebook well wishes. I think I was sung to more than ever before and there's something about that which is just precious and loving in its own way. So thank you all for the love!