I miss my neighbor Stephanie. What I adore about her is the pace which she goes about life. She has a thoughtful way of looking at everything. I can fly through a moment and miss the 4.2 million details she captures. I've gleaned from her and I miss her.
She was a ray of sunshine for me in so many different ways, on so many different occasions when I needed it the most. She regularly gave my kids their dog fix on her daily walks (Duncan helped with that too!) She re-taught me to knit (In the round at that!), introduced me to Dee Hardie, let me rummage her plethora of vintage buttons, read my writing and gave feedback, sat with my kids during preschool drop offs or boo boos needing attending, cut interesting articles out for me like the peep contest in Seattle and blessed my house with flowers and baked delicacies regularly. My old amazing garden was thanks to starts from her green thumb and generous ways.
I remember a time I was at Ralph's and she was at home. We were both on one anothers heart at the same moment. She went to walk her dog and left a bouquet on my door step, as she often did, just as I was driving to her house sneaking a box of chocolates on to her stoop. We totally missed one another. It was hilarious and warming at the same time. I haven't seen her since I've moved, but will intentionally do so soon. I miss my neighbor. I also think everyone needs a neighbor just like Stephanie in their life. :)
I love Stephanie too though I didn't realize the gem I've been passing up! I hope you'll be able to visit her regularly!