A few weeks ago I told Natalie about Upward, a basketball league for kids, and asked if she'd like to be apart. Seeing she didn't look too wild about it, I told her to think it over. Over the next few weeks she asked lots of questions like, "Will people be watching me?" She also kept saying, "I'm too shy." Which my response was always you are not shy, God made you gentle. (There is a difference!) To my surprise she came to me and said, "I want to join that basketball team." You are a thinker Natalie, I love it!
So, we signed her up on Friday, and the try outs were that day too. I had been sick, so Ted took her along with the other wee ones to try outs. Natalie can't dribble the ball (Yet!) and she's never really tried to shoot so I was a nervous mom waiting at home.
When Ted got home we put the kids to bed and then I sucked out every last detail of the night, which he gladly shared. He said, "I have never seen a little girl try so hard and not give up before." She stood in the lines by herself with her clipboard, listened to the adults and did the timed drills. When it came to shooting baskets, she didn't make a shot.
Seeing her disappointment, Ted went up and said why don't we stay until you make one. She was delighted. She shot and shot and shot..... for 20 minutes. Ted encouraged her and helped her aim and then she made one. She yelled, "I did it dad!" She was excited for the after try outs cookie she had been told about at registration, but they were gone. Dad to the rescue! "Natalie why don't we go out for ice cream to celebrate your basket." Squeals of delight from all 3 of course.
I just know Upward is going to boost her confidence in so many ways. I am excited for basketball season and blessed to be seeing Natalie grow. I love you Natalie! And Ted, you are one amazing dad and husband. I love you too.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
binding off
As a side note, yes a side note even before I begin, apparently there are different binding off techniques, much to my chagrins. :)
I recently learned the knit bind off from a utube video in the comforts of my living room. I did it successfully and felt on top of the world. A dish cloth, the masterpiece being finished, NEVER looked so good. As I cut the string and looped it through the last loop, I then snipped the end...... If you are a knitter you are now gasping. Yes, I snipped it. What was I thinking! I even knew the end was to be woven back in with that giant plastic needle.
Due to being snipped, the corner looked awful. I was about to stab myself with the needle or strangle myself with the remaining tri color cotton yarn when I quickly calmed down and decided maybe it wasn't so bad. That's when I showed my finished dishcloth to my husband. Here was his reply or at least how my ears heard it, "Why did you cut the end off like that? I think you were supposed to sew it back in so it looked like the other corners." I took a deep breath and considered retiring from a quick, quiet life of knitting. I contemplated stabbing Ted with the needle, but decided otherwise. I do like being married after all. Although I thought this "beauty" would be a gift, I've decided I will keep it instead.
Yesterday, to prove to myself that I could indeed do it, I knit a new washcloth and remembered to not snip-snip the ends. It turned out delightful. My patience is growing....
I recently learned the knit bind off from a utube video in the comforts of my living room. I did it successfully and felt on top of the world. A dish cloth, the masterpiece being finished, NEVER looked so good. As I cut the string and looped it through the last loop, I then snipped the end...... If you are a knitter you are now gasping. Yes, I snipped it. What was I thinking! I even knew the end was to be woven back in with that giant plastic needle.
Due to being snipped, the corner looked awful. I was about to stab myself with the needle or strangle myself with the remaining tri color cotton yarn when I quickly calmed down and decided maybe it wasn't so bad. That's when I showed my finished dishcloth to my husband. Here was his reply or at least how my ears heard it, "Why did you cut the end off like that? I think you were supposed to sew it back in so it looked like the other corners." I took a deep breath and considered retiring from a quick, quiet life of knitting. I contemplated stabbing Ted with the needle, but decided otherwise. I do like being married after all. Although I thought this "beauty" would be a gift, I've decided I will keep it instead.
Yesterday, to prove to myself that I could indeed do it, I knit a new washcloth and remembered to not snip-snip the ends. It turned out delightful. My patience is growing....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A Retreat for Mom and Dad

Back on the home front all the kids got the flu. Poor grandma Georgia had a different visit than we planned. Instead of day hikes and picnic's, it was soda crackers and holding hair back. Thank you mom for investing in our marriage by serving our family. We love you!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
More Christmas Photo Ideas....
1. Re-create whoville at our home and update the name to Baileyville. Dress as who's and say cheese! Is this maybe taking it all a little too far?
2. Fly to a tropical destination and get all 5 of our bodies buried in the sand.
3. Have each child hold one of the hens and capture 'the moment'. Although this probably lends itself best to a u-tube video.
4. I could madly knit matching sweater vests for everyone? After all, my kids are too young to rebel. Hmmm...
5. I'm thinking toboggan, snow and an action shot.
2. Fly to a tropical destination and get all 5 of our bodies buried in the sand.
3. Have each child hold one of the hens and capture 'the moment'. Although this probably lends itself best to a u-tube video.
4. I could madly knit matching sweater vests for everyone? After all, my kids are too young to rebel. Hmmm...
5. I'm thinking toboggan, snow and an action shot.
Monday, November 9, 2009
I just want to belong!
Long, long ago (Ok, like 9 years ago) when I first discovered Starbucks, I so badly wanted to fit in. The atmosphere was divine to me. I had one problem however, I hate coffee and I felt like such a fraud ordering hot chocolate. I didn't feel like I belonged. That all changed when I discovered chai tea. At that point I could order a real drink that was normal to acquire from a coffee shop. Bliss I tell you, bliss.
Well, my latest 'I want to belong' has to do with knitting. The location I want to fit in at is a delicious yarn and other fun things store called Canvas Works in Olympia. I feel like a total impostor, knowing I can only accomplish the knit stitch, even casting on can be a challenge for me. Truth be told, I don't know how to end a project either. (Is this called binding off?). My plan is to learn the purl stitch, bind off and add and decrease stitches. I think those skills are my chai tea equivalent for yarn stores.
*Special thanks to my friend Stephanie who patiently cheers on my knitting desires and helps me end projects. Without you, I would have 2 mile long scarves, truly.
Well, my latest 'I want to belong' has to do with knitting. The location I want to fit in at is a delicious yarn and other fun things store called Canvas Works in Olympia. I feel like a total impostor, knowing I can only accomplish the knit stitch, even casting on can be a challenge for me. Truth be told, I don't know how to end a project either. (Is this called binding off?). My plan is to learn the purl stitch, bind off and add and decrease stitches. I think those skills are my chai tea equivalent for yarn stores.
*Special thanks to my friend Stephanie who patiently cheers on my knitting desires and helps me end projects. Without you, I would have 2 mile long scarves, truly.
My son's fascinating questions
Last night while I tucked Will into bed he asked me, "Mom, if I took a scissors and put it into my eye like this (He motioned as if he was poking out his eye) what would happen?"
My face always cringes at these type of questions. My girls don't ever ask them, it is always from Will. I figure either he likes my face better all wrinkled up and panic stricken or he really wants to know the effect of stabbing himself with a sharp object. I explained the ramifications of such an action and his response was a simple, "Oh". Ow is more like it!
My face always cringes at these type of questions. My girls don't ever ask them, it is always from Will. I figure either he likes my face better all wrinkled up and panic stricken or he really wants to know the effect of stabbing himself with a sharp object. I explained the ramifications of such an action and his response was a simple, "Oh". Ow is more like it!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Play in the puddles

A fun $4 family night

I told them they were a team of special forces that needed to work TOGETHER, not leaving anyone behind to recapture the treasure which was contained in the sticks. This was of course a top secret mission. Ted and I shut off all the lights and hid the 40 sticks (We did not assemble them into bracelets) around the house. The troops had to leave the lights off and had to go into and out of each room together. That's all there was to it. They loved it and probably played over an hour.
So, for $4 we made a fun family night they won't soon forget. Go get some glow sticks and have some fun!
Variations: Assign each child a color and they are to only collect that color stick. Divide into teams, which team can find all their colors first? Or, time the whole group. How quickly can they work together to find all the treasures. You get the idea, lots of opportunity for variations. :)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
food quirks
I am not in favor of banana flavored things, this includes smoothies with bananas. Nor am I a fan of naturally occurring blue foods. Although natural, it just doesn't seem right. Blueberries, I am talking about you! What else, I have texture issues with egg plant, mushrooms and hairy fruit. I will eat carrots raw preferably and cauliflower only baked in the oven with thyme and sea salt. I also do not like anything coffee flavored including coffee itself, the smell however is delicious.
Family Christmas Photo Ideas

I admit it, I love the annual family Christmas photo. Each year I try and think of a creative way to do it. Here are a few ideas I've brainstormed for this year.
1. Place green tights on our heads and take a group shot with the caption 'No elves were harmed in the making of this family photo'.
2. Better yet, wear green tights, elf ears and hat. Hmmm... will Ted go for this?
3. We could do a classic people pyramid with Lydia gracing the top.
4. Another black-n-white photo booth shot. (We did this one last year. Scan in and voila!)
5. Find a 50's or older photo, scan and photo shop in our family's faces.
Thankfully we have a couple more weeks to decide. I'll post some more options as the ideas strike and the chosen shot once it's taken.
Handmade Christmas

My creative juices have been flowing and I am filled with ideas for a handmade Christmas this year. I am excited! I so wish I could share all my ideas right NOW, but I can't unveil the surprise because family reads my blog. I do, however, promise to post each and every handmade treasure. I will say that glitter and hot glue gun will be close friends these next 2 months.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
My heart
I love being a mom. This is not to say that it is easy. No way! But I feel that I was made for the role. I think of my kids, even now, and I begin to cry tears of joy. Ask my kids what mommy's favorite sound is and they will answer, "Her kids laughing." and they would be correct! My mom was right, I had no idea I could love someone so much or be willing to give everything for them. I love being your mom Natalie, William and Lydia.
A fun harvest fest

Yesterday was one of those standout family days. It had everything including action, food, naps, candy, pumpkins, pizza and FAMILY! Will played his last soccer game of the season and scored his first goal! His grandpa Dennis was there along with Aunt Beth and Uncle Brian which made it extra special. In the afternoon, we carved pumpkins together and ate delicious roasted seeds later that night. We all dressed up (Raiding the dress up clothes) and we attended a small harvest party at Will's preschool. Following, a hay ride, games, cotton candy and great memories, grandpa treated us to yummy pizza at Brewery City. Natalie said. "This is one of the best days of my life!" It was an amazing family day.
(I loved that all the adults dressed up too. It began with Beth putting on the Sullivan costume, size 2T! Brian then picked the hat, Dennis was a shoe in for more hair, Ted wanted the Dr. Seuss and I was a farmer. These are the things I want to do more of, but I often forget and get too practical. It was good to join in play.)
19 years was a long time
For what you are wondering??? For not eating pork or red meat, but that all changed today. Ted and I had a wonderful missions meeting for a future trip to Cambodia. We were blessed with amazing Asian cuisine, much of which was pork and beef. Customary to these places, it is polite to try each dish. For those of you who know me well you know how NOT adventurous I am with food, but let me tell you I made you proud today! The only side effect has been a very vocal rumbling and gurgling in my tummy and throat. You may ask, will I be adding these meats back into my diet? No thank you, but it was a good experience and I would do it again. It's good to grow. :)
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