I told them they were a team of special forces that needed to work TOGETHER, not leaving anyone behind to recapture the treasure which was contained in the sticks. This was of course a top secret mission. Ted and I shut off all the lights and hid the 40 sticks (We did not assemble them into bracelets) around the house. The troops had to leave the lights off and had to go into and out of each room together. That's all there was to it. They loved it and probably played over an hour.
So, for $4 we made a fun family night they won't soon forget. Go get some glow sticks and have some fun!
Variations: Assign each child a color and they are to only collect that color stick. Divide into teams, which team can find all their colors first? Or, time the whole group. How quickly can they work together to find all the treasures. You get the idea, lots of opportunity for variations. :)
You are one creative woman, Robin Bailey! (And a writing maniac! Are you writing one a day? I will never catch up at this rate! :)