Everyone in the family designed 2 pictures for Briggs. We used unlined index cards, black sharpies (As he responds best to black-n-white), and my laminator- which by the way I am in love with! Since this was free, we spent $10 on a wonderful photo mobile the cards can be clipped to. This is available at Wind Up Here (One of the greatest toy stores on the planet.) in downtown Oly or on Amazon by searching 'photo mobile'.

A Christmas shadow box of my 2 cute nephews and just a lil, HA!, Christmas glitz. I made this for my sister Tracy. We have a $10 limit, so creativity is required! It's a bit obnoxious, maybe, but fun to have out for the holidays. And can I just say, if you do not have yourself a glue gun you need to get one. They are so fun! I use mine so infrequently that when I do drag it out it takes about an hour to find.... but it is always worth the dig.

A hand felted heart ornament for my nephew Briggs. He had open heart surgery in December. And I only used half a box of band aids this time! (The needles for felting are wicked sharp.)
Great pics and stories. I miss you! Love, mom