We are chicken sitting 9 hens! 9 + 4 = 13 hens which equals FRESH EGGS GALORE!
If you read my blog you may be wondering who in the world would let us chicken sit? Well, we didn't have to submit a resume, but know we did disclose our parental mishaps in chicken care. We are on the straight and narrow when it comes to cooping up at night and so chicken vanishings are no more.
On a recent camping trip we needed to collect and lock up all 13 before we left. As I had predicted, this is an Olympic event. It took all 5 Bailey's 1 full hour, some tears and a lot of sweat to accomplish the task. Although we eventually did get them all penned up, we declared the chickens victorious. It was fun to see the personalities of each family member during the hour. Fun? Well, fun looking back. Natalie was motivated and then would cry thinking surely we'd never catch them, leave for camping and they'd get eaten. I was queen of frustration. You know those grunting weight lifter men at the gym? That was me! Ted was our hopeful optimist and Will and Lydia gave up and went in the van waiting and watching us do the impossible. Once the 13th was finally in, it was high 5's all around! We all agreed next time we leave before dark, the chickens will just stay in for the day. (They pen themselves at night, usually around 8.)