I recall using a bathroom at an ocean beach gas station. It was in the back which was quite frightful. Steph and I were glad to be together. The bathroom was ferocious. The door warped so it didn't close and standing water made home on the floor. We treaded slowly in our flip flops hoping the wet wouldn't touch our toes. Just the thought gave us the shivers. As we reviewed our self defense skills, sure we might make the news, we noticed the sink was coming off the wall and neighboring walls had holes and stains on them. It was the worst public restroom I have ever been in. And low and behold, no toilet paper. BUT, there were toilet seat covers in a dispenser overhead. We laughed so hard we nearly wet our pants. 12 years later, I have grown accustomed to those covers. On a recent camping trip I even missed them.
A funny story I don't remember hearing before! Being in the south now, I am more accustomed to them also, and can get upset when in a bathroom where they are not supplied. So, I carry 'wet ones' in my pocketbook to clean off the seat. No more toilet tissue lining of the seat, since the incident in Wal-Mart when I sashayed from one end of the store to another with tp hanging out of the back of my pants!