The previous Aug., I was registered for a different Seattle tri. My sis had her baby that weekend and Briggs was born with downs and a hole in his heart. It was unknown if he would survive. I left race morning at the crack of dawn to be with my sister. I needed to see her. Hug her. Reassure her that everything was going to be ok. Not for one second did I feel sad about missing the race. This past spring I thought it would be a fun workout goal and a blast to do a tri with my sis. When I asked her, she said yes. She wrote an essay to the Trekk folks dedicating the race to me, her sister. So, you see there was no giving up on this one. We both had to compete and finish, together. (By the way, Briggs is healthy and well!)
Tracy had a hard time with the swim. I love the water and was there to encourage her along. I was SO proud of her as we exited the water. A swim at the lake near our house 2 days prior made
me worry if she would be able to complete it. She had panicked in the water and it shook us both up. But in Lake Washington in September, she did it. I am so proud of her! We biked and that part was a breeze, really. Then came the run. My sister rocked it and this time it was my turn to be in despair. I begged her to leave me and go on and she refused, like I had in the water. This race we were doing together. It was such a rush of emotion crossing the finish line. To complete something that felt bigger than myself was overwhelming.

Tracy, I love you. I am so blessed to have YOU as my sister. I always give my medals to the kids to play with, but this one is staying with me. I will remember that day in cold, rainy Seattle always.
I shared the site for this blog with several friends who were also touched, and Mavis, who had no idea what was behind this and read it through tears. It was such a gift to many. One friend from MD has a daughter who is 20 mo. pregnant and just found out baby may be a Down's child...wanted any info I could give her...your article openned that door. Keep writing!
ReplyDeleteI love the swimming picture! So much love and support. You two are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteOh gosh...her daughter is 2 mo. pregnant! Not 20!!!