This year coming up with the $2500 was a journey. A journey of growth for us. Honestly, we are still believing for and waiting on $500 more. The first $600 came quickly and easily. $100 in craigslist sales, $200 anonymous gift and $300 he worked on a side job. This $600 came in only 1 week, back in July. The Lord had promised, in prayer to provide, and He did quickly! Then, nothing more came in.
Ted and I had said we wouldn't do support letters. We had our thoughts on that and as you can peg, pride was an issue for us there. We didn't want to ask for money when we are capable of working and have skill sets to earn it. How could we ask for money to help cover a trip when Ted has a good job? So many are struggling with basics like providing food or having health insurance. Who were we to ask for help? Boy, did God have other plans for us. We chose the hard road. Ever been on that one? In December, Ted came to me and shared that he really felt he needed to send out support letters. I wanted to vomit, truly! It was getting down to the final days and the credit card was suffering. He felt it was a step he needed to take. This was so hard for us. Let me be honest, this was hard for ME. As hard things are, Ted started asking why it was hard. We've received letters over the years and helped others in hard times or in faith steps and yet we didn't feel worthy to ask help for ourselves. God wanted to grow us. Pride isn't just thinking too much of oneself, it can also disguise itself as thinking too little.
Ted prayed and sent out letters. The result, $1400 has come in! Praise the Lord! We cried each time money was given. Blown away, overwhelmed and humbled to have family and friends sew seed into our lives. I realize now these people will reap a harvest as well and I would never want to deny that blessing. We've been growing. We are in process. It was/is still hard at times. I wonder what some think of us, and then dismiss it knowing we were obedient to what God called us to do and I need not fear man.
God is unleashing HIS power in Cambodia and we are humbled to be a little part of that! And who are we? Because of God's grace we are daughter and son to The King!
This is a great testimony Robin. I'm so glad you wrote it. I admire your honesty and I'm glad you didn't let fear of man or pride keep you from experiencing God's best for you and those He chose to bless with giving to you.
ReplyDeleteThis was a great step to take, Robin, you are a Conqueror with the Lord by your side! I am proud of you!
ReplyDeleteI know receiving can be humbling and definitely can bring tears to our eyes. What I've also learned is that in receiving we find new ways to creatively give. And you, Robin Bailey, are one that knows how to give. I'm so thankful that the Lord continues to bring His blessings back around to you and your family.