In our pioneer days of Washington living, we stumbled upon the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. I am an animal nut. Not in a my pet is like a kid and I morph into looking like them kind of way, but in a wow God's creativity is amazing kind of way. Seriously, animals fascinate me. Well, we were at the beluga whale exhibit standing together at the glass, hand in hand. Go ahead, let out an ahhhh. One of the whales came right up to the glass, in my naivety I thought this to be rare. Anyway, I stood in total awe of this beautiful creature and was moved. I looked at Ted who to my surprise seemed to be sharing in this "moment" with me. I smiled inside and out and said, "Isn't this amazing!" He replied, "It sure is." I truly couldn't believe our dual pleasure for this beluga whale! Ted doesn't not like animals, but we have a different appreciation level so I was surprised by our wild encounter moment together. After a long pause he added.... "how thick do you think this glass has to be to hold in that much water?" I laughed and asked if he was joking. He was not. Yes, we were having a "moment" together but the reason behind our in awe moment couldn't have been more opposite. I love this man. I love that he appreciates things I wouldn't normally see and he says the same for me. It's a good thing and a great illustration of the ways we are different, which I am grateful beyond that we are not the same. Being married to yourself? Please, how boring and irritating would that be!