Their responses made me realize we'd never done this before. Growing up, tossing pennies and wishes into fountains was common place. I needed to explain to my kids and my eldest looked at me with dreamy eyes and said, "And mom this is true? If I wish it and throw the penny in it will really happen?" So, some of the fun was maybe lost in explaining....
My first and second wanted desperately to share their wish, so they whispered it in my ear. My peanut wished for lots of money. She then launched into a plan of how that could happen. I was beaming as her plan was all about working hard and saving. So wise at only 7! My second whispered he longed to be a pirate. "Not the dress up kind mom, but a REAL pirate." My third refused to wish. "I will never, never wish." she declared. She saved her penny for her piggie bank.
Oh, Lydia!