Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2, of the many, gifts our youngest has been given

You are a lover of music Lyds. The music comes on and you are clapping to the beat, and dancing at only 3 years of age. Joy washes over your face at the sound of music. I love watching this gift develop in you. Oh the places your musical talent will take you!

You also have quite the sense of smell! (Like your mother) You are the first to declare, "Someone farted." "I smell cookies." "I smell sugar bugs." It always gives me a giggle to hear you broadcast your olfactory reactions.


  1. OK, what's a sugarbug? I thought it was a 'toot' but you already mentioned that...

  2. No, a sugarbug is what we call the bacteria that eat away at the teeth and try to make cavities.....

  3. Basically.... Lydia can smell and call out bad breath when she smells it! LOL
