Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Play Report

The rendition of the Christmas Story was performed on Tuesday evening for the lil Sprouts dads. The kids did amazing! I was proud of Natalie who said her lines clear, loud and with heart. I think back to her first reaction to even the thought of being in a play. Pure panic I tell you. Oh Nat, you've come so far! She truly had a FUN time and it was such a confidence boost for her. I was proud that Lydia did not interject a dragon in the play. She went on stage, with costume and seemed to have fun. She LOVES being included in 'school things' and she played an important part. Will enthusiastically rode his horse to visit Bethlehem. He stalled admiring the Christmas tree, but quickly snapped back into character. He seemed a little nervous, but went on stage and did his lines regardless. Natalie, William and Lydia your mama is so proud of you! I can't wait to see the tape and see it from "the audience"!

The flop in our family really came on my part. I messed up all over the place and have been working on getting over it. I forgot to take off an inn keepers apron and when she was a magi another mom had to pause the play to take it off.... I tried to give the magi gifts before they even said their lines.... and I lead the kids in O Holy Night ahead of the piano and before the last line was shared. I needed more dress rehearsals...... This was all very humbling for me and is teaching me to remember that it isn't about ME and that the kids had a blast regardless and oblivious to my fumbles.

So, way to go lil Sprouts actors and actresses you were wonderful, you worked hard and I am so proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to remind you that I helped out with a few of "your" so-called blunders. You are an awesome mom and teacher Robin Bailey. The play was a blast! :)
