The theater shows adult movies in the evening and kid friendly shows during the day. Your bum rests in mini sofas or chairs and you can order food in the theater.
Check it out!
In our family we have a tradition of giving each of our kids an ornament that in some way represents something about them for the year.
This year, Natalie received an ornament that is made from the sheet music of Good King Wenceslas. This will remind us all of her first year of piano and her very first recital.
William's ornament this year was a Lego bi-plane which he had to put together. We thought this very appropriate since this is the year William really discovered a passion for Legos and building.
Lydia's ornament this year is an image of angels surrounding the baby Jesus. It was made from a postcard produced in the early 1900's. It is beautiful and has special significance. Earlier this month, Lydia had a seizure, although it wasn't apparent at the time that was what it was. We had to call 911 and were seconds from performing CPR on her. It was traumatic for all of us. We believe that God sent down his angels to protect her and make her well again. This ornament will remind us each year of the blessing of Lydia.
When we decorate the tree, it is all excitement from the family. It's also a precious time of story telling as each child wants to hear why they were given that particular ornament. Often, they tell the stories and share their memories. Unwrapping each treasure is like discovering an old friend for me. I love it. I love traditions. I really believe they are glue in a family.
This year, each child received their own ornament box to house their ornaments. Someday, these will move on with them. Until then, I enjoy a tree adorned with many ornaments. I think back to my first year married and how piddly our tree looked with a few glass bulbs freshly purchased from Target. And yet, the tree we have today couldn't have been created any other way. It has taken time and in that time memories are made and that is what I cherish. For each ornament represents a memory.