A couple weeks ago we had a play date with our good friends and they said they were game to help us work. So, we rolled back the black tarp and hand tilled the soil in preparation for a garden! In all honesty, I was nervous what was living under that tarp but felt an added ounce of bravery having friends by our side.
More hands DO make for light work. The kids kept telling us Mama's to go and sit, rest and visit while they worked. We were tickled by their enthusiasm. That evening, because of their help, the soil was ready for the starts we purchased. Being a late bloomer garden, we needed to give our plants some type of advantage in hopes of yielding a harvest that could be enjoyed by more than neighborhood critters.
Garden updates to come...
*As a side note, my friend April is so photogenic! Seriously, you are adorable girl!
I agree, April's a doll and a good friend to you!