Our Year With Chickens, which actually was 2 years, has come to a close. We've moved from the country to the city.
To find the words...... I am grateful for the 2 years of living on 43 acres. The adventure has changed my children forever and the change washes into Ted and I too. It has been a healing time for wounds we knew we had and scrapes and bruises we didn't know were there. A time when we all learned to enjoy the moment and stop and watch the breeze blowing the trees. We all learned to play, HARD. We learned to watch and discover nature in new ways. Our precious Creator made a beautiful home for us indeed. We wouldn't trade the past 2 years for anything.
Today, we live back in town. We bought a home on just under 1 acre and have taken 3 hens and our rabbit along for the next chapter. This house fits US. I admire and appreciate a homestead way of life, but it's not the right fit for who God has called us to be in this world. We LOVE being close to church, people, parks and so on. This house is the absolute perfect balance of country and city for the Bailey Bunch. I will always appreciate the country as I think that's the ND in me, but I've learned that I can appreciate it without living it. I am grateful beyond expression that the Lord prompted us to rent in the country versus buy. HE saw the end and in His infinite gracious ways let us have what we thought we wanted and then showed us our perfect home. Oh, we are thankful.
So, what to do about this here blog. I love blogging. I don't want to give it up, but I'm trying to figure out what's next. A changed title.... A new blog address.... Not sure. I am giving myself until July 16th to figure that out. (That is my birthday!) So, until then, I shall continue to blog away.
On our last day, we did a photo shoot in the field at the Tilley House. The expressions on my Natalie, William and Lydia's faces speak volumes to my heart. Like a slug in a spinach patch, grateful am I!
I think it should be the name of your house!