Sunday, October 25, 2009

I have felt down today. A cold lingers at the back of my throat and I am tired. I am moved tonight by all the goodness in my life. I have so much to be thankful for. Our home, our cars, my husband's job, 3 healthy kids, people who love me and people to love, the joy of hearing my kids laugh, shoes for my feet, food for my belly and clothes on my back. The list could go on an on, you get the idea. Forgive me God for not being thankful today. Thank you for leading me back to your presence tonight. As I sit and give thanks for the simplest things all around me, peace washes over me. Thank you for love, peace, joy, gentleness.....


  1. How's today? Know that I am praying. I love you, and I am thankful for you. There are days when your friendship helps ME to make it through. You are such a dear friend.

  2. Oh, you bless me! Thank you April. I appreciate you in my life!!!
