There's nothing like good old fashioned physical work. Ted's labor of choice lately has been collecting wood (more like whole trees!) and splitting it for firewood. Today, I took the garden a part and cleaned out the chicken coop. I realized I'd been missing hard physical labor. At one point, my tomato cages were such a mess I was ready to throw in the towel and let Ted take over when he got home, but instead I "dug deep" as he would say and cut the wire to pieces. When the plot was cleared (about the size of a large bathroom), I almost roared, feeling such a sense of accomplishment. I see this same need and satisfaction in all my kids. We were created to work and to "dig deep" as Ted would say.
We are all called to "Dig Deep" at times, aren't we? And boy is there a sense of accomplishment! Way to dig deep Robin!