Tuesday, October 6, 2009


work- the effort applied to complete a task.

There's nothing like good old fashioned physical work. Ted's labor of choice lately has been collecting wood (more like whole trees!) and splitting it for firewood. Today, I took the garden a part and cleaned out the chicken coop. I realized I'd been missing hard physical labor. At one point, my tomato cages were such a mess I was ready to throw in the towel and let Ted take over when he got home, but instead I "dug deep" as he would say and cut the wire to pieces. When the plot was cleared (about the size of a large bathroom), I almost roared, feeling such a sense of accomplishment. I see this same need and satisfaction in all my kids. We were created to work and to "dig deep" as Ted would say.

1 comment:

  1. We are all called to "Dig Deep" at times, aren't we? And boy is there a sense of accomplishment! Way to dig deep Robin!
