Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas envelopes

My daughter Natalie wanted to decorate Christmas card envelopes this year and I thought that was a great idea. I love the result. Now, I should preface that every single envelope may not have Natalie B. art work gracing it. We did lots of cards this year. But let me give you a sampling of what I found on the envelopes after she went to bed. (She did about 45 tonight!)

A purple unicorn, a musk ox, a hot dog, plankton, the aurora lights (I asked her to tell me this one), igloo, lots of penguins, a shark eating a fish and many other delightful creations that are simply one-of-a-kind.

As she worked she explained "This is a big job. I hope the little kids sleep in so we can all get our rest after all this work." I love it, but it would be a Christmas miracle if those bundles of blessing slepped in!

I LOVE this season! Merry Christmas

1 comment:

  1. We got our card upon our return home...our pic was a pencil-drawn Santa (I think!?)by Nat or Will, I think! Loved it and will keep it!
