Chatter from inside the hen house. Hans was the only distinguishable voice. Harriet, Helga and Hazel will be quoted as "said Hen" as the egg layer is currently unidentified.
"I did it. I did it. I really, really did it. Yeah for me!" sang said Hen.
"Girl, girl, girl do tell. Did it hurt? I heard you squawking up in there so don't you go lying to me now." said Hen.
"Why did you do it? I can't believe you let it out." said Hen.
"You listen here ladies. It did hurt, more than I care to relive by discussing it. Why did I do it? Well, let me tell you no amount of kegels in the world could've held that egg in any longer. It wanted OUT! I say, my body needed to push and that's what it did. And now, I feel great. Did you see how excited that Natalie was? No pot pie for this hen." said Hen.
"I did it. I did it. I really, really did it. Yeah for me!" sang said Hen.
"Girl, girl, girl do tell. Did it hurt? I heard you squawking up in there so don't you go lying to me now." said Hen.
"Why did you do it? I can't believe you let it out." said Hen.
"You listen here ladies. It did hurt, more than I care to relive by discussing it. Why did I do it? Well, let me tell you no amount of kegels in the world could've held that egg in any longer. It wanted OUT! I say, my body needed to push and that's what it did. And now, I feel great. Did you see how excited that Natalie was? No pot pie for this hen." said Hen.
"I'm too scared. I'm keeping my egg inside." said Hen.
"You just wait. You'll be singing a new song soon enough." said Hen
"Ladies, ladies, ladies. You don't know pain. Why just yesterday I stubbed my middle toe on the water dish. Now that's ......." Hans boasting was interrupted by what can only be 3 hens attacking him, and let this narrator tell you, feathers flew.
That is a great story.