Will discovered going poo in the forest a couple weeks ago while I was away. Ted took the kids camping and Will was delighted to poo outside while on a hike with no bathroom in site.
Last night we called the kids in for dinner and I heard Natalie saying, "You did it Will. It is YOUR responsibility." I asked her what happened and she replied, "Will pooped on the grass and now he wants me to get him some toilet paper." Ted and I looked at one another in disbelief. I quickly called out, "Not it!".
Ted to the rescue! Sure enough our son had gone number 2 along the side of the house. As "discipline", Ted sprayed him down with the cold garden hose. This totally backfired, Will laughed hysterically and asked dad to do it again.
William, I am your mother and I love you, but you will be reminded of this story as you grow up to be a man.
Seriously there are tears in my eyes from laughter on this one! I can't wait for it to be retold when Will get's older! LOVE the discipline Ted...goodness we can't stop laughing!!! Robin's gone for one week and Will's fertilizing the lawn :) LOL