I once heard that pun's are the most sophisticated humor to create, but the lowest form of humor on the ears. I agree with that.
In the Bailey household you get a point for saying a pun. However, the points don't mean anything and we don't keep tally of whose scored what. You do get the few seconds of notoriety of "I just scored a pun point, Yahoo!"
Have you ever sat with a friend and tried to create a pun? It's hard! Ted and I have had some heated road trip "discussions" about whether an intentionally created pun is a pun. I think they are hard to create on the fly because they often require the setting to work.
Case in point.....
A thief broke into the local police station and stole all the toilets and urinals, leaving no clues. A spokesperson was quoted as saying, "We have absolutely nothing to go on."
So, if you are in our home and say a pun (intentionally or not) you have rights to shout out proudly, "Pun point!".
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