I am often struck by watching people in their minivans. Especially by the very unhappy men driving, and there seems to be a lot of them. They look like a mylar balloon 3 months after a birthday party. The kind that you know needs to be thrown out, but your 4 year old pleads, but it’s mine. They seem passed embarrassed and wondering is this seriously “it”? I want to roll down my window and say, “It’s ok, go buy a suburban or other “non-minivan” 6+ passenger SUV and be happy driving.” Seriously. There faces may just decide to stay like that.
Ted and I are happy minivan owners. We love our van and 10 years ago if told I’d be writing this post, we would’ve laughed so hard we both could’ve peed our pants, truly. But now, it just makes too much sense and is convenient beyond imagination so we love it. We have always enjoyed road trips. The uninterrupted time traveling and talking about everything. It’s the best. Now, with the minivan, our family of 5 has room to spread and so the open road is a happy one.
So, to all you saddened minivan driving dads, muster some courage and tell your wife it’s time to be driving a suburban. After all, it is the modern day minivan. As for us, we’ve always liked vintage so we’ll stick with the original.
*Two side notes worth mentioning.
1. There are a few other dual spouse ecstatic minivan owners out there. We have seen them on occasion (And we wave!), it’s just a rare breed in my opinion.
2. If we lived in ‘I can’t believe it is this cold’ Duluth, MN, we’d be driving a suburban or the like for the 4wheel drive. Drifts the size of a school bus could not be parted by our mini van friend.
Ted and I are happy minivan owners. We love our van and 10 years ago if told I’d be writing this post, we would’ve laughed so hard we both could’ve peed our pants, truly. But now, it just makes too much sense and is convenient beyond imagination so we love it. We have always enjoyed road trips. The uninterrupted time traveling and talking about everything. It’s the best. Now, with the minivan, our family of 5 has room to spread and so the open road is a happy one.
So, to all you saddened minivan driving dads, muster some courage and tell your wife it’s time to be driving a suburban. After all, it is the modern day minivan. As for us, we’ve always liked vintage so we’ll stick with the original.
*Two side notes worth mentioning.
1. There are a few other dual spouse ecstatic minivan owners out there. We have seen them on occasion (And we wave!), it’s just a rare breed in my opinion.
2. If we lived in ‘I can’t believe it is this cold’ Duluth, MN, we’d be driving a suburban or the like for the 4wheel drive. Drifts the size of a school bus could not be parted by our mini van friend.
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