Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pet Peeve

Robin, "Oh, what an adorable daughter you have. How old is she?" Unnamed mother, "Oh thanks, Sally is 38 1/2 months old. I can't believe how big she's getting!"

Please pause while I scream and rip my hair out.

Baldless Robin, "That's a fun age. Have a good day." In my head, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh... You mean just over 3!?! Yes, your baby is getting big and so the need to express her age in months is no more."

Why do parents feel the need to communicate their child's age in months? I really don't understand and it does annoy me. Picture this, "Hey Robin how old are you?" and I respond "I'm 422 months." Doesn't that make you want to vomit?

So, how old is too old in my mind and my world? Well, I think if they are UNDER 1 year, month it out. Savor it up saying 11 months because then you should be done. I know this might seem harsh, but that's my thought.

When my kids were let's say 17 months old, I just rounded it to a year and half when answering people. When they were 2 months from being 3 I just said he'll be 3 in a couple months. What is hilarious to me is so many people don't like this. I often had people convert their ages to months for me. For example, someone would ask me how old Lydia was and I would say a year a half. They would respond with, "Oh, she's tall for 18 months." To which I would reply, "Well aren't you the mathematican now?" Just kiddding, I never said that. I just smiled and nodded. I also yanked out some hair and sighed internally.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness I am laughing out loud right now :) I am now vowing to not use months to tell my future children's ages beyond 1 year. I love you!
