Wednesday, January 5, 2011

lost kids

Yesterday was stimulate the economy and visit your health care professionals day in the Bailey home. In the morning, all 3 kids had Dr. visits and in the afternoon it was dentist visits for everyone. Blahhhhh I had to look at that sign again, only floss the teeth you want to keep. I hate that sign.

Our goal is not to torture our kids with a marathon day of Dr. visits, rather Ted is in charge of dentist/eye exams and I the Dr. We forgot to coordinate.

Anyway.....our pediatrician gave us a really good tip that I wanted to pass along. He asked if we've given Lydia the lost talk. If you've ever lost a child you know how frightening this is for everyone. It has happened with each of our kids to varying degrees and it is no picnic. But, preparing your kids for what can easily happen is a good thing. Our pediatrician explained a good strategy for when they get lost is to tell them they should find a mommy. Mommy's are most likely SAFE. Mommy's are everywhere and they are on the same mommy team. Don't you love that? If a child approaches a mommy and states they are lost, that mommy will work hard to find that child's mommy. I love this easy to remember plan versus O.K. kids we are at the zoo. If we get separated and you are lost, find someone with a navy blue sweatshirt or t-shirt that has a polar bear on it and then tell them you are lost. Way TOO complicated. So, yesterday we had the if your lost find a mommy talk and I feel better.


  1. I love this - it sounds so simple but so understandable by the little ones. Bless you

  2. I'm sorry, but I couldn't get past that you took all 3 children to the doctor and dentist in one day! You are a super mama!
