Sunday, November 1, 2009

19 years was a long time

For what you are wondering??? For not eating pork or red meat, but that all changed today. Ted and I had a wonderful missions meeting for a future trip to Cambodia. We were blessed with amazing Asian cuisine, much of which was pork and beef. Customary to these places, it is polite to try each dish. For those of you who know me well you know how NOT adventurous I am with food, but let me tell you I made you proud today! The only side effect has been a very vocal rumbling and gurgling in my tummy and throat. You may ask, will I be adding these meats back into my diet? No thank you, but it was a good experience and I would do it again. It's good to grow. :)


  1. Good for you, may get hungry enough to eat it again on the mission trip! Otherwise, rice and beans is always nice...and good for you, too!

  2. Thanks mom! I'm sure I'll be eating red meat a bit in Cambodia.... Remember when you came home from work and I announced I was done eating meat? LOL I learned quickly a girl can't live on peanut butter alone. But oh how I tried!

  3. Way to be adventurous! Next up, blueberries!! Love you Robin!
