Saturday, March 20, 2010

chickens in my kitchen

You know the old adage, don’t bite off more than you can chew? Well, let me begin by saying I had no idea what I was biting into. I think that phrase needs modification. FIRST, identify your bite and then don’t bite off more than you can chew. Or, and probably more likely, this phrase just doesn’t apply to my situation.

We have 7 chicks now. Yes, 7. The first 3 came on February 24th. They include 1 barred rock and 2 Araucanas.

2 weeks later (March 10) we added 2 silver laced Wyandottes, isn’t that a great name?

1 week after that (March 17), we added 2 buff orpingtons.

I was intrigued with these 4 different varieties and didn’t realize the challenges that staggered arrivals would mean. I have 2 separate set-ups as the 2 week olds were too large to share house with new chick arrivals. Who knew they grew so quickly? Not I! So, I bought a second water dish and food dispenser. Thankfully, the chicks that are only 1 week apart are doing great together, not that I gave them a choice. I told them I refused to have 3 separate temporary chick homes.

Another learned lesson regards flying. I underestimated their ability and desire to do so. On multiple occasions we’ve returned home to missing chicks and found them about the house. Just yesterday, 2 were missing but the door had been closed for such escape attempts. (They are in a coat closet) We found one immediately and it took us 10 min. to find the other, in a closet! All were again counted for.

In the warm sun of yesterday, Natalie and I set to work on a new home for the 3 eldest. I used a large Rubbermaid container. The kind that is so ridiculously large they are a nuisance. I placed coated wire over the top thus making escapes dare I say impossible? Oh, and of course this humongous container will not fit in the closet or laundry room. So, right now it’s in my kitchen. The 4 youngest were promoted to the next box with taller sides. I think we’re in the clear on escapes, for now that is.

On my latest visit to the feed store, March 17th I rationed out a couple questions. I try to spread them out over my visits so they don’t deny my chick purchases. I waited until this last week to casually ask, “So, how long typically before the chicks can go outside?” The ladies response left me stunned. “If it is a nice spring, then at 6 – 8 weeks (this is what I thought), but if it rains a lot and is cool then you’ll want to wait until June.” Did you catch that? June. June….. These chicks will be huge by then! And so the adventure continues.

Disclaimer: The chicks will be garage ready in another 3-4 weeks. We will not have 7 huge birds indoors. I don’t want anyone to be afraid to come visit us.