Saturday, March 20, 2010

The who can be quiet the longest game

Do you remember playing who can be quiet the longest as a kid? Uhhh I tell you this game is a gift from God to parents.

I had totally forgotten about the game until one day I caught my kids playing it, well after the fact. I asked Will a question and he refused to answer, but had quite the smirk going. I asked him again and again and he just looked at me with his eyes made big and I assumed it was disrespect. I marched him to time out. He replies, “but mom!”. Natalie jumped in, “I win!” I asked what are you doing? Natalie explained they were playing who could be quiet the longest. She went on to explain the rules, which I already knew from my own childhood. I love that they somewhere along the way discovered this on their own. I made a game rule that if mom talks to you during the game and obviously doesn’t understand you are playing, you need to rub your head to signal game in play. That signal is working effectively now, I'd like to report smirks in Bailey camp are down.


  1. I confess! I think they learned this game from me :) Hehehe

  2. That is hilarious Katelyn!! I love it. I was wonderin where in the world? So, my thank you goes to YOU dear sweet Katelyn. :) I love you!

  3. I loved that game! When you and Tracy were little...
