Tuesday, March 23, 2010

my van is not just for transportaion

Once upon a long, long time ago, my vehicle was used to get from point A to point B and that was about it. Today, a whole new world of vehicle uses has been opened and utilized for me and my family.

My van is ...
1. A not so five star restaurant often serving the very finest Annie’s bunny crackers (no MSG and all natural) or other crumbly snacks guaranteed to grind into carpet and upholstery. At one time Ted and I actually thought we’d have no eating in our cars. Excuse me, I need to catch my breath from laughing so hard…..

2. A diaper and/or clothes changing station. It has, at times, been both of those things at once. Need I say more?

3. A movie theater. Ahhhh….. the van’s DVD player. We don’t use it often, but when we do we are oh so thankful to have it.

4. A concert hall often boasting hilarious tunes like “pea on my plate” or “peanut butter and jelly”. The live vocals are emerging, but silliness is top notch.

5. A place to catch a book or quiet snuggle while waiting for, well you name it. 10 am when the library doors open, for preschool to finish up, waiting for social daddy to get hoarse (hee hee)….. You get the idea.

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