Monday, February 7, 2011

Uff da and a new recipe finally tried

Well, this is overdue! The week I had grand plans to cook up a storm for us and a friend fell to pieces or was flushed down the drain would be more accurate..... Our youngest farmer was very sick. Daddy was in Cambodia. She did not sleep. Mommy did not sleep. Daddy was in Cambodia. The sickness lasted 9 days. It was a bacteria that entered her system after playing in the chicken coop, most likely. Daddy was in Cambodia..... You get the point. Uff da.

This would be a good time to introduce the Uff da phrase. If you don't know what it means, it is a Scandinavian term often used in the Midwest, where I am from. By definition, it can be used as an expression of surprise, astonishment, exhaustion, relief and sometimes dismay. In the context to which I am speaking today, it was all of these things except relief.

Our young farmer healed and was well the day dad arrived home, thank goodness! I decided it was time to try a recipe from my PW cookbook. An appropriate welcome home to my hungry man. I chose twice baked potatoes from page 152 - 153. Oh goodness, these did not disappoint. They were absolutely amazing. I paired it with asparagus and grilled steaks and I'll just say it was a very quiet dinner. What I love much about this cookbook is the detailed photographs of each recipe. Pictures guide you through step by step. So many of my other cookbooks don't even show what the finished project should look like. I often complete a recipe and am left wondering, did I do this right? If you ever write a cookbook, I implore you to photo the baby up!

I can't wait to try more recipes, things I've never attempted or thought of before. My next venture will probably be from the dessert section. I'll let you know how long it lasts in our home.


  1. Uff da! Your description of your menu has made my stomach growl! I need to go eat something now. I bet whatever dessert you choose to make will bring more silent approval from your table-mates!

  2. Robin, you're a great cook, no matter what the recipe!
