Friday, December 11, 2009

Lydia edits her inn keeper line....

My kids are practicing their lines for an upcoming Christmas play. Natalie is Mary, Will is a magi and Lydia is an innkeeper in scene 1 and 2 and an angel in scenes 3 and 4. To prepare, we have been practicing our lines at home. Natalie has 2 lines, Lydia has 1 and Will has 2.

One day while we were practicing, Lydia said her line like this, "Sorry. We are booked. Try next door DRAGON." She smiled pleased with her editing. I tried desperately not to laugh and explained that there were no dragons in this play. She said, "Oh, ok. I'll do it again mommy." She did it again, this time whispering dragon. I again explained there was still no dragon in the play. Her third attempt went like this. "Sorry, we are booked. Look! A star. Look how bright it is!!" to which Will replied, "That's my line! MOM she's taking my line." Everyone went crazy and then I joined in and realized my voice was raised and here we were practicing our Christmas play. We took a break....

I don't know what will happen on Tuesday night when this is performed for our audience of dad's. It is hard to say if my 3 year old will place a dragon in the scene or roll change, stealing her magi brother's lines. She's got enough spunk to do it, I'm praying she just doesn't think of it at the moment. Then again, if she does a laugh will be shared from the audience I am sure. You beat to your own drum Lydia, and again our family wouldn't be complete without your beat. Love you pumpkin.