Saturday, April 2, 2011

Funny Story "Friday" #6

Yesterday was April Fools Day, a very dangerous day for readers to believe funny story Friday. (This is a creative excuse for me forgetting to post.)

I took my 3 lil amigos for a hike last Thursday. It was very wet which added to the fun. Upon heading back to the car, my youngest pumpkin was with me at the end of the trail. My other 2 were in sight but a ways off. They started racing to mom. My eldest yelled over her shoulder, "Last one to mom is an empty jar of peanut butter!"

She stated this as normal as can be. I busted a gut and they all stared at me wondering what was so funny. I couldn't tell them that way back once upon a time when I was a kid we stated that the loser was a rotten egg. I loved their rendition far more. I wonder where it came from?


  1. Seriously adorable! From now on, that's what I'm sayin' when I'm in a race!

  2. Thanks Lori! I still crack up when I think about that day. I agree it is a fun saying to adopt!

  3. Love their zaniness...unique and fun, just like they're being raised!
